Friday, May 14, 2010


Imagine wearing a dress that is so good you could eat it. Funnily enough this was the reality at the Annual Fieldston Fashion Show.
I'm currently studying for my summer exams and am slowly leaning towards the latter in my love/hate relationship with school. However I was intrigued to read about a very interesting project that takes place in Ethical Culture Fieldston School in the Riverdale (in the Bronx).
Over one year 88 students had to create an outfit out on anything BUT fabric. Using a few mousetraps, dozens of Capri-Sun juice pouches, 50,000 beads, one plastic picnic table cover, Legos, a stack of Sports Illustrated magazine covers, some beach balls, fake money, real money, Pokémon cards, metal washers, roof insulation and 1,700 condoms they bizarrely managed to complete the task.
Quite frankly I don't know how they managed to do all that AND juggle school!

Check out some of the AMAZING work here....
(my fave is the jelly bean tiger mini dress....mmm.....)

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